The Myers Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI is the most widely used instrument in the world for understanding normal personality differences.
Completing the MBTI inventory and receiving feedback on it enhances our understanding of ourselves, our motivations, our natural strengths and our potential areas for growth.
Your MBTI report can support a range of different needs including development of your communication style, conflict style, personal impact, career development and stress management.
The feedback session, delivered via Zoom, helps you to interpret and make use of your report. This will enable you to appreciate how each of us has a preferred way of making sense of reality and how we have developed a personality strategy that informs everything we do. You will recognise yourself with a degree of clarity that will amaze, even shock; but after the shock comes the realisation that we all have an array of drivers and abilities which are characteristic of our preferred personality type.
Having looked into the mirror and discovered more about yourself and the characteristics of your personality type, the MBTI helps you to appreciate people who differ from you. You begin to develop the skills to identify the personality drivers of your customers, colleagues and family members.
We will discuss ways in which you might practise the skill of adaptation; moving away from your natural dominant style towards the style of another individual you are communicating with.
The MBTI can be bought on a stand-alone basis, or incorporated into your Flourishing People management training programme or team development day. If required, I can support teams by producing a Team Profile Report which can be used to drive and direct future team development activity. I am also able to provide further support to individual participants to incorporate their new understanding into their everyday lives through a programme of one to one coaching.
Please contact me on for a chat about your needs.