Jacqui Burke is a learning and development consultant with over 30 years of training experience delivering business, governance, and management skills development, and supporting businesses at times of change. Following an initial career as a training and development specialist in the Financial Services sector, she became a consultant with one of the UK’s leading HR consultancy practices, and in 2001 set up her own business, Flourishing People. Jacqui is now semi-retired.
Jacqui has experience of working across a number of sectors including central government, local government, voluntary and community organisations and many SMEs. Over the past 20 years she has specialised in providing business, management and leadership skills training for businesses in the Education and Early Years sectors.
Jacqui is the author of Building Your Early Years Business (planning and strategies for success and growth) published in February 2017 (currently out of print but e-book available).
Jacqui’s expertise ranges across the leadership and management spectrum. Past training projects included design and delivery of the following:
- CMI Level 5 in Business Support and Level 5 in Professional Consulting Skills tailored for consultants and advisers working in the Early Years and Childcare sector (now redesigned following a curriculum revision by the CMI)
- Business, leadership, governance and management skills training for business owners and managers, and boards of trustees, voluntary management committees etc
- Bespoke manager / team leader development programmes providing Continuing Professional Development for SMEs from across a range of sectors – programmes have included 360 degree feedback, psychometric profiling and cover a wide range of management and interpersonal skills topics
- Team development days for newly formed and established teams to develop team working and collaborative working, and provide an improved sense of focus
- One to one coaching and mentoring with business owners and managers to support their professional development and enhance the performance of their business, their team and themselves as managers
- Facilitation of strategic planning awaydays, action learning sets and focus groups for the senior teams of a range of organisations
- Governance training and External Reviews of Governance (ERGs) as an Associate Consultant working with the National Governors Association (NGA).
Other activities and interests past and present
- Independent Trustee of Prevista Employee Ownership Trust
- Trustee of the Rural Coffee Caravan, a charity working to bring an end to rural loneliness and isolation for communities throughout Suffolk
- Non-Executive Director of Prevista Ltd (an independent learning provider offering a range of Apprenticeships and related services)
- Former School Governor with 19 years of experience at Early Years, Primary and Secondary levels
- Former Member of the Advisory Board of a Sure Start Children’s Centre
- Former Founding Member of the Advisory Board of an Early Years educational CIC.
See LinkedIn for full profile.
Jacqui holds the following qualifications: Level 4 in Learning & Development; Member of the Institute of Consulting; former SFEDI Accredited Consultant; Certificate in Counselling Skills; Qualified Coach; qualified to administer the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Jigsaw Discovery Tool and Appraisal360.
Jacqui works in partnership with Jeremy Webster of Silver Pebble Ltd. Working together enables us to provide courses and qualifications accredited by the Institute of Consulting (IC) and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). Our flagship programme is a tailored version of the Level 5 in The Principles of Management Consulting, which we co-deliver as the Childcare Business Advisers Programme
A responsible business
All businesses impact on the society and environment in which they operate in a variety of ways. Jacqui is committed to operating in ways that minimise and reduce any negative impacts.
Jacqui operates in an honest and ethical manner, considers people and the environment when making business decisions and endeavours to make a positive contribution to the local community and society at large. Jacqui also aims to use her capability and skills to impact positively where possible.
In 2013 Flourishing People received a Gold Award from the Responsible Business Standard in recognition of the responsible way in which the business operates. James Davey, who assessed Flourishing People said in his report “Flourishing People are an excellent example of good practice in a small business. Jacqui is responsible for all aspects of the business from administration to delivery through to strategy and policy. It was clear straight away that Jacqui is dedicated to providing a first class service to her customers delivered with passion and in an ethical manner.”
If you would like to see Jacqui’s Responsible Business Policy please contact jacqui@flourishingpeople.co.uk